Just finished reading the third book in the Conversations With God series. These are great books, we both totally recommend reading them all!
As I read a book, I always fold over the bottom corner of the page if it is something I want to come back and re-read. Here are a few of my favorite passages from God:
"Thought control is the highest form of prayer. Therefore, think only good things, and righteous. Dwell not in negativity and darkness. And even in those moments when things look bleak - especially in those moments - see only perfection, express only gratefulness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next."
"Your life is a reflection of what you desire, and what you believe you may have of what you desire. I cannot give you what you do not believe you may have - no matter how much you desire it - because I will not violate you own thought about it."
"Nothing in this universe occurs by accident."
"So . . . the point and purpose of your life is to decide and to be Who You Really Are. You're doing that every day. With every action, with every thought, with every word. That's what you're doing."
Do animals have souls?
"Anyone who has stared into the eyes of an animal already knows the answer to that."
On Meditation: " . . . the silences hold the secrets. And so the sweetest sound is the sound of silence. This is the song of the soul."

Is it possible to love more than one person at a time?
"Of course."
"Your own experience teaches you one thing - that loving everyone full out is the most joyful thing you can do."
"Any attempt to restrict the natural expressions of love is a denial of the experience of freedom - and thus a denial of the soul itself. For the soul is freedom personified. God is freedom, by definition - for God is limitless and without restriction of any kind. The soul is God, miniaturized. Therefore, the soul rebels at any imposition of limitation, and dies a new death each time it accepts boundaries from without."
"Now in the human reality, you will find that you always seek to love, and to be loved. You will find that you will always yearn for that love to be unlimited. And you will find that you will always wish you could be free to express it."
"All these words are therefore synonymous. Think of them as the same thing:
"Remember this: There is only one sacred promise - and that is to tell and live your truth. All other promises are forfeitures of freedom, and that can never be sacred. For freedom is Who You Are. If you forfeit freedom, you forfeit your Self. And that is not a sacrament, that is a blasphemy."
"Love has no requirements. That's what makes it love. If your love for another carries requirements, then it is not love at all, but some counterfeit version."
On Highly Evolved Beings (HEB'S):
" . . . they don't pollute their air, their water, and their land. They do not put chemicals into the ground, for instance, which are then taken up by plants and animals, and brought into the body upon consumption of those plants and animals.
A HEB, in fact would never consume an animal, much less fill the ground, and the plants which the animal eats with chemicals, then fill the animal itself with chemicals, and then consume it. A HEB would correctly assess such a practice as suicidal."
SOOOO much good stuff. This isn't even all of the pages I marked, but enough for today. Food for thought!
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